観光 / Sightseeing

【知らないと後悔】デスバレー国立公園で絶対行くべき場所14選!(Death Valley National Park, California)

はじめに / Introduction

デスバレー / Death Valley


Death Valley is a vast desert region located in the southern part of California, on the west coast of North America. Its total area is 13,158 square kilometers, making it the largest national park in the United States. The Badwater Basin, which is about 86 meters below sea level, is the lowest point in North America. The climate is extremely dry, with very little annual rainfall. It is famous for having recorded the highest temperature in the world of 56.7 degrees Celsius on July 10, 2013. Death Valley is also a beautiful place to observe the night sky, with few artificial lights and clear air allowing for stunning views of the stars. It is known as an ideal location for stargazing.

デスバレーへのアクセス / Access to Death Valley

It takes about 4 hours by car from Los Angeles International Airport.

デスバレー国立公園の入場料 / Death Valley Entrance Fee

  1. 車両一台:30ドル(有効期限は7日間)(2023年2月現在)
    One vehicle: $30 (valid for 7 days) (as of FEB.2023)
  2. オートバイ一台:25ドル(有効期限は7日間)(2023年2月現在)
    One motorcycle: $25 (valid for 7 days)(as of FEB.2023)
  3. 徒歩や自転車:15ドル(有効期限は7日間)(2023年2月現在)
    Individual entry (pedestrian, bicycle): $15 (valid for 7 days)(as of FEB.2023)

Entrance fees can be paid in cash or by credit card. In the case of Death Valley National Park, you must pay the entrance fee at the ranger station near the entrance before entering the park.


For details on prices and more, please check Death Valley National Park official website.

デスバレーでの過ごし方 / How to Spend Your Time in Death Valley

デスバレー観光の重要ポイント / Key Points of Death Valley Tourism

気候について / Climate

必要な持ち物や装備 / Items and equipment necessary for visiting Death Valley

Items and equipment necessary for visiting Death Valley as below.

  1. 飲料水 – デスバレーは非常に乾燥しているため、水分補給が必要です。1日あたり最低でも2リットルの水を用意しましょう。
    Drinking water – Death Valley is extremely dry, so it’s important to stay hydrated. Prepare at least 2 liters of water per day.
  2. 食料 – デスバレー内には飲食店が限られているため、必要な食料はあらかじめ用意しておくことが重要です。
    Food – There are limited food options in Death Valley, so it’s important to bring necessary food supplies.
  3. 防日対策用品 – デスバレーは日差しが強く、紫外線対策が必要です。帽子や日焼け止め、長袖シャツなどの防日対策用品を用意しましょう。
    Sun protection – The sun in Death Valley is intense, so sun protection gear such as a hat, sunscreen, and long-sleeved shirt is necessary.
  4. 防寒用品 – 夜間は気温が下がるため、軽量のジャケットやセーターを用意しましょう。
    Cold weather gear – Temperatures drop significantly at night, so prepare a lightweight jacket or sweater.
  5. キャンプ用品 – キャンプをする場合は、テント、寝袋、マット、ランタン、調理器具などを用意する必要があります。
    Camping gear – If you plan to camp, you’ll need a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, lantern, cooking supplies, and other necessary camping gear.
  6. ハイキング用品 – ハイキングをする場合は、適切な靴、日焼け止め、帽子、ザック、トレッキングポールなどを用意する必要があります。
    Hiking gear – For hiking, appropriate shoes, sunscreen, hat, backpack, trekking poles, and other hiking gear is necessary.
  7. 車両関連 – 車でデスバレーを旅する場合は、予備タイヤ、ガソリンなどを用意する必要があります。
    Vehicle-related items – If traveling by car, spare tire, and gasoline for your trip in Death Valley.

The above is an example of the necessary items and equipment when visiting Death Valley. Depending on the season and activities planned, prepare the necessary items accordingly.

熱中症や脱水症状に対する対処法 / Dealing with heat stroke and dehydration

Death Valley is very dry and hot, which can put you at risk of heat stroke and dehydration. Here are some tips for dealing with heat stroke and dehydration:

  1. 飲料水を十分に摂取する – 水分補給が重要です。1日あたり最低でも2リットルの水を飲み、軽い運動をする前後にも水分を補給しましょう。
    Drink plenty of fluids – Staying hydrated is crucial. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day and replenish fluids before and after light exercise.
  2. 塩分やミネラル分を補給する – 汗をかくことで失われる塩分やミネラル分を補給するため、スポーツドリンクなどを用意しましょう。
    Replenish electrolytes – To replace lost electrolytes and minerals from sweating, prepare sports drinks or other electrolyte solutions.
  3. 休憩を取る – 熱中症や脱水症状の初期症状が出た場合は、すぐに休憩を取り、日陰で涼むようにしましょう。
    Take a break – If you experience initial symptoms of heat stroke or dehydration, take a break and find a shaded area to cool down.
  4. 体を冷やす – 首や脇の下、手首、足首などの血管が集中する箇所を水で濡らしたタオルなどで冷やしましょう。また、冷房の効いた室内に入ったり、氷や冷たい飲み物を摂取するのも効果的です。
    Cool down your body – Wet a towel with water and apply it to areas with concentrated blood vessels, such as your neck, armpits, wrists, and ankles. Entering an air-conditioned room or consuming ice or cold beverages can also be effective.
  5. 体を休める – 疲れがたまっている場合は、過度の運動を避け、体を休めましょう。
    Rest your body – If you’re feeling fatigued, avoid excessive exercise and rest your body.
  6. 医療機関を受診する – 熱中症や脱水症状が進行している場合は、早めに医療機関を受診しましょう。
    Seek medical attention – If heat stroke or dehydration is progressing, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The above are examples of measures to take if you develop heat stroke or dehydration in Death Valley. To prevent heat stroke and dehydration, it is important to make appropriate preparations in advance and to be mindful of adequate hydration.

観光スポットの紹介 / Tourist spots


There are many attractive tourist spots in Death Valley, where you can enjoy a variety of landscapes such as the unique scenery of the desert, the Badwater Basin, and colorful rock formations.

バッドウォーター・ベイシン / Badwater Basin

バッドウォーター は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州のデスバレー国立公園の敷地内に存在する内陸湖である。海抜は-86メートルで、北アメリカ大陸で最も海抜の低い地点である。

Badwater Basin is an endorheic basin in Death Valley National Park, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, noted as the lowest point in North America and the United States, with a depth of 282 ft (86 m) below sea level

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/badwater-basin-death-valley

スコッティーズ城 / Scotty’s Castle

スコッティーズ城(別名デス バレー ランチ)2 階建てのミッション リバイバルおよびスパニッシュ コロニアル リバイバル スタイルのヴィラです。

Scotty’s Castle (also known as Death Valley Ranch) is a two-story Mission Revival and Spanish Colonial Revival style villa

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/scottys-castle-death-valley-2

デヴィルズ・ゴルフ・コース / Devil’s Golf Course


It has become jagged spires in a vast area of rock salt eroded by wind and rain, and its blades are extremely sharp, so sharp that it is said that “only the devil could play golf on such rough links.”

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/devils-golf-course-furnace-creek

ダンツズビュー / Dante’s View


Dante’s View is a viewpoint terrace at 1,669 m (5,476 ft) height, on the north side of Coffin Peak, along the crest of the Black Mountains, overlooking Death Valley.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/dantes-view-death-valley-junction

メスキートフラット砂丘 / Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes


The Mesquite Dunes are named after the mesquite tree which grows in abundance in the area. They are known for dramatic shadows at sunrise and sunset, as ripples and edges in the dunes stand out in greater contrast. They are also a great place to observe Death Valley’s famous dark night skies.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/mesquite-flat-dunes-death-valley-2

ハーモニーボラックスワークス / Harmony Borax Works

1881年、デス バレーの当時グリーンランドと呼ばれていたファーニス クリーク スプリングスにホウ砂が発見された後、ウィリアム・T・コールマンはハーモニー工場を建設し、1883年末または1884年初頭に鉱石を処理し始めました。ハーモニー工場は、コールマンの財政的な崩壊後、わずか5年間の生産の後、1888年に稼働を停止しました。1974年12月31日に、ハーモニー ボラックス ワークスは国家歴史登録財に登録されました。

In 1881, borax was discovered at Furnace Creek Springs in what was then called Greenland in Death Valley. William T. Coleman constructed the Harmony Borax Works and began processing the ore at the end of 1883 or the beginning of 1884. After just five years of production and Coleman’s financial collapse, the Harmony Borax Works ceased operations in 1888. On December 31, 1974, the Harmony Borax Works was registered as a National Historic Landmark.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/harmony-borax-works-interpretive-trail-death-valley

ザブリスキー・ポイント / Zabriskie Point

ザブリスキー ポイントは、パシフィック コースト ボラックス カンパニーの全盛期の著名な人物であるクリスチャン ザブリスキーにちなんで名付けられました。黄色と茶色の縞模様の丘は、水の強力な力によって形成されており象徴的なデス バレーの景色で日の出と日の入りを見るのに人気の場所です。

Zabriskie Point is named after Christian Zabriskie, a prominent figure during the Pacific Coast Borax Company’s heyday. The yellow and brown banded hills were formed by the powerful forces of water and are an iconic Death Valley view, popular for watching sunrises and sunsets.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/zabriskie-point-furnace-creek

ワイルドローズ チャコール キルン / Wildrose Charcoal Kilns

Wildrose Charcoal Kilns(ワイルドローズ木炭窯)は 1877 年に Modock Consolidated Mining Company によって完成され、パナミント バレーの西にある Argus Range の鉛銀鉱山群に隣接する 2 つの精錬所で使用するのに適した燃料源を提供していました。

The Wildrose Charcoal Kilns were completed in 1877 by the Modock Consolidated Mining Company and provided a suitable fuel source for two adjacent smelters in the Argus Range west of Panamint Valley.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/charcoal-kilns-death-valley

ユーベヘーベ・クレイターズ / Ubehebe Crater

ユーベヘーベ クレーターは推定 2,100 年前の火山クレーターです。クレーターの直径は約 0.5 マイル (0.8 km) で、深さは 500 ~ 777 フィート (152 ~ 237 m) 。(どの尾根から測定したかによって異なります)

The Ubehebe Crater is an estimated 2,100-year-old volcanic crater. The diameter of the crater is approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 km), and its depth ranges from 500 to 777 feet (152 to 237 meters). (Depending on which ridge is measured from)

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/ubehebe-crater-death-valley

アーティスツ・ドライブ / Artist’s Drive


This is a driving course where you can drive with the sensation similar to riding a roller coaster. It might not be suitable for those prone to motion sickness.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/artist-drive-death-valley

アーティスツ・パレット / Artist’s Palette


You can see colorful rock formations.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/artists-palette-death-valley

ファーザー・クローリー・オーバールック / Father Crowley Vista Point


You can enjoy the view.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/father-crowley-vista-point-death-valley

ナチュラル・ブリッジ・トレイル / Natural Bridge Trail


Following the trail, you can see natural arches. As summers can be hot, please make sure to bring water with you.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/natural-bridge-canyon-las-vegas

ファーネス・クリークビジターセンター / Furnace Creek Visitor Center


The center provides various materials such as guidebooks, trail maps, and information about the surrounding areas. Facilities at the center include a parking lot, restrooms, a gift shop, and exhibit rooms. The temperature gauge at the visitor center is also famous.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/furnace-creek-visitor-center-death-valley

まとめ / Summary


Death Valley is an attractive place with unique terrain and climate. However, since there is a risk of heat stroke and dehydration, it is important to prepare well in advance and ensure adequate hydration. Additionally, when visiting, be sure to check the temperature, weather, and other information carefully to ensure that you can enjoy the area safely.

Death Valley National Park

HP : https://www.nps.gov/deva/index.htm

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/death-valley-national-park-death-valley-3