はじめに / Introduction
The Fish Market in Los Angeles is beloved by many for its abundant Pacific bounty and the opportunity to immerse oneself in fresh seafood. Its charm lies in the highest quality provided through direct sourcing from local fishermen and the diverse array of marine treasures that gather here.
フィッシュマーケット / Fish Market
Los Angeles Fish Company
ロサンゼルスのダウンタウン、リトル トーキョーのすぐ外に位置しています。新鮮な日本の魚介類(ハマチ、カンパチ、サンマ、アジ、タイ、タコ、ワサビなど)を空輸した最初の商業輸入業者としての評判を確立。またキハダマグロやメバチマグロのほか、最高品質の「地元」シーフードも幅広く取り揃えています。
It is located just outside Downtown Los Angeles, in Little Tokyo. It has earned a reputation as the first commercial importer to airlift fresh Japanese seafood (such as yellowtail, amberjack, mackerel, horse mackerel, sea bream, octopus, and wasabi). Additionally, it offers a wide selection of top-quality “local” seafood, including bluefin tuna and bigeye tuna.
Tuesday to Friday: 7am-10am
Saturday: 6am-9am
Sunday & Monday: Closed
Address : 420 Stanford Ave Los Angeles, CA 90013
WEB : https://santamonicaseafood.com/about-us/locations/los-angeles-fish-co
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/los-angeles-fish-company-los-angeles
Goldfish Seafood Market
They have a wide selection of frozen seafood and fresh products, including tuna loin, lobster, shrimp, king salmon, and more. They are a family-run business and take pride in being friendly and customer-oriented.
Monday to Friday: 6am-2pm
Saturday: 5am-1pm
Sunday: Closed
Address : 744 Kohler St Los Angeles, CA 90021
WEB : https://goldfishseafoodmarket.com/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/goldfish-seafood-market-los-angeles
USA Daily Live Seafood Market
They offer fresh seafood at affordable prices and operate year-round, seven days a week.
Monday to Sunday: 9:30am-5pm
Address : 1436 Cherry Ave Long Beach, CA 90813
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/usa-daily-live-seafood-market-long-beach
Dory Fishing Fleet Market
ドリー フリート マーケットは1891 年後半に一般向けに販売を始めました。各店舗は独立しており、季節、漁獲量、市場の需要に基づいて独自の時間を設定しています。行列ができるのでお目当てがある場合はオープン前に来ることをお勧めします。
Dory Fleet Market started selling to the public in the late 1891. Each stall is independent and sets its own hours based on the season, catch, and market demand. As there are often long queues, it is recommended to come before opening time if you have specific items in mind.
Wednesday to Friday: 6am – noon or until sold out
Saturday: 5:30am – noon or until sold out
Sunday: 5:30am – noon or until sold out
Address : 110 Mcfadden Pl Newport Beach, CA 92663
WEB : https://doryfleet.com/market/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/dory-fishing-fleet-market-newport-beach
Standard Fish Co.

Established in 1999, we are a family-run business. They offer fresh seafood and frozen products at affordable prices.
Address : 2196Signal Place, San Pedro, CA 90731
WEB : https://standardfishco.com/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/standard-fish-san-pedro
J & D Seafood

J&D は魚介類の流通業者で、土曜日の午前2時から午前6時まで一般販売しています。 サーモン、イカ、イカ、カジキ、タチウオ、サワラ、マグロ、エビ、さらにはサメまであります。また活きたカニ(Rock Crab) も低価格で購入できます。氷、ビニール袋、手袋、発泡スチロールの箱なども用意されているので便利。
J&D is a seafood distributor that sells to the public every Saturday from 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM. We offer a wide variety of fish and seafood, including salmon, squid, octopus, swordfish, beltfish, Spanish mackerel, tuna, shrimp, and even sharks. Additionally, you can purchase live Rock Crab at a low price. We also provide ice, plastic bags, gloves, and styrofoam boxes for added convenience.
Saturday: 2am-6am
Address : 2200 Signal Pl, San Pedro, CA 90731
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/j-and-d-seafood-san-pedro-3
まとめ / Summary
I introduced seafood markets in Los Angeles where you can buy fresh seafood. They offer a wide variety of options at affordable prices. You can find items that are not available in the seafood section of regular supermarkets and experience a different level of freshness. I highly recommend visiting and enjoying the experience.