はじめに / Introduction
ゲティ美術館は、石油実業家であり芸術コレクターでもあったJ.ポール・ゲティ(J. Paul Getty)によって設立されました。1954年に自身の邸宅に隣接した土地に最初のギャラリーを建設。間もなく収蔵スペースが足りないことが判明し、1974年、【1】ゲティ・ヴィラを開館。ゲティ財団が所蔵する膨大なコレクションを所蔵するスペースを確保するために2箇所に分散することになり、1997年、【2】ゲティ・センター美術館をロサンゼルスのブレントウッド地区に開館。同年1997年、【1】ゲティ・ヴィラは改築のためにいったん閉館後、2006年修復が完了し再開館。
The Getty Museum was established by J. Paul Getty, an oil tycoon and art collector. In 1954, the first gallery was constructed on land adjacent to his residence. Soon, it became clear that there was not enough space for the growing collection. In 1974, the Getty Villa【1】was opened to house the extensive collection held by the Getty Foundation. To accommodate the vast collection, it was decided to establish two separate locations. In 1997, the Getty Center Museum【2】was opened in the Brentwood district of Los Angeles. In the same year, the Getty Villa【1】temporarily closed for renovations and reopened in 2006 after restoration was completed.
The Getty Villa【1】houses ancient artworks from Greece, Rome, and Etruria.
The Getty Center Museum【2】houses a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, photographs, and decorative arts.
【1】ゲティ・ヴィラ / Getty Villa Museum
The Getty Villa is located on the coast of Naples and was constructed in the likeness of the luxurious ancient Roman villa known as Villa dei Papiri, which was buried during the major eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The building houses beautiful gardens and courtyards, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of ancient Rome.
参考ヴィラ・デイ・パピリ / Villa dei Papiri:https://www.romanoimpero.com/2020/04/villa-dei-papiri.html?hl=en
ゲティ・ヴィラ美術館へのアクセス方法 / Access
It takes about 30 minutes by car from Los Angeles International Airport.
ゲティ・ヴィラ美術館の入場料 / Getty Villa Museum Entrance Fee
Admission is free. You can obtain tickets from the following website.
Due to high demand, tickets for the same day often sell out, so you had better to obtain tickets at least 1-2 days in advance.
Parking Fees
Parking fees are charged. There are two methods of paying the parking fee when visiting the Getty Villa: paying directly at the vehicle entry gate upon arrival or paying in advance for parking when obtaining tickets online. If you choose to pay online, you will need to present the payment receipt to the attendant at the entry gate.
Parking is $20 per car or motorcycle; $15 after 3pm. For evening events and on Saturdays, parking is $10 after 6pm.
コレクション / Collections
紀元前 6,500 年から紀元後 400 年までのギリシャ、ローマ、エトルリアの遺物 44,000 点が収蔵されており、そのうち約 1,400 点が展示されています。コレクションには、古代の彫刻、壁画、陶器などが含まれており、古代文化や芸術の魅力を伝えています。
The collection at the Getty Villa houses 44,000 artifacts from Greece, Rome, and Etruria, spanning from 6,500 BC to 400 AD. Approximately 1,400 items from the collection are on display. The collection includes ancient sculptures, wall paintings, and pottery, among other artifacts, showcasing the allure of ancient cultures and their artistry.
設備 / Facility
The facility includes restaurants, cafes, vending machines, and a gift shop.
教育プログラム / Educational programs
At the Getty Villa, guided tours and lectures by experts are offered, providing opportunities to delve deeper into the art and culture of ancient Rome.
【2】ゲティ・センター美術館/ Getty Center Museum
ゲッティセンターの建物は、リチャード・メイヤー(Richard Meier)によって設計されました。モダンで美しい白い外観が特徴であり、周囲の自然環境と調和しています。施設内には、美しい庭園、広場、噴水などがあり、訪れる人々に心地よい空間を提供しています。
The buildings of the Getty Center were designed by Richard Meier. They feature a modern and beautiful white exterior, harmonizing with the surrounding natural environment. The facility includes beautiful gardens, plazas, and fountains, providing visitors with a pleasant and inviting space.
ゲティセンター美術館へのアクセス方法 / Access
It takes about 30 minutes by car from Los Angeles International Airport.
ゲティセンター美術館の入場料 / Getty Center Museum Entrance Fee
Admission is free. You can obtain tickets from the following website.
* You can enter without a ticket. If you are asked for a ticket by the staff near the monorail boarding area of the Getty Center Museum, you can let them know that you don’t have a ticket, and they will still let you through the entrance. However, if you don’t have a ticket, during busy periods you may be denied entry, so you had better to obtain tickets in advance.
Parking Fees

Parking fees are charged. The payment for parking is made on-site.
Parking $20 per car or motorcycle; $15 after 3pm.
For evening events and on Saturdays, parking is $10 after 6pm.
コレクション / Collections
The collection spans a wide range, from ancient Greek and Roman sculptures to European paintings, sculptures, crafts, and photographs from the Middle Ages to modern times. It includes internationally renowned works and valuable cultural assets.
設備 / Facility
The facility includes restaurants, cafes, and gift shops.
展示と教育プログラム / Exhibition and educational programs
The Getty Center regularly hosts exhibitions and special displays. It also offers a comprehensive educational program that includes guided tours, lectures, and gallery talks, providing visitors with opportunities to delve deeper into art and culture.
アプリ / Apps
You can enjoy audio guides of the Getty Museum through the app.
*You had better to download the app in advance as the Getty Villa museum has very weak cellular reception.
Apple store : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gettyguide/id1488527711
Google play : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gettyguide/id1488527711
まとめ / Summary
The Getty Museum has become one of the globally acclaimed art museums due to its collection of artworks and cultural significance. The museum building itself is also a stunning architectural masterpiece that is sure to captivate visitors.
【1】ゲティ・ヴィラ美術館/ Getty Villa Museum
HP : https://www.getty.edu/visit/villa/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-getty-villa-pacific-palisades-3
【2】ゲティ・センター美術館/ Getty Center Museum
HP : https://www.getty.edu/visit/center/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-getty-center-los-angeles-7