はじめに / Introduction
グリフィス天文台(Griffith Observatory)は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスにある天文台で1935年に建設されました。この天文台は、ロサンゼルス市内やハリウッド サインを間近に眺めることができ、宇宙や科学関連の展示物が豊富にある人気の観光スポットです。
Griffith Observatory is an observatory located in Los Angeles, California, United States, and was constructed in 1935. This observatory offers a popular tourist destination with close-up views of the city of Los Angeles and the Hollywood Sign, as well as an abundance of exhibits related to space and science.
歴史と建物の特徴 / History and Architectural Features
1896年、天文台を囲む 3,015 エーカー (12.20 平方km) の土地がグリフィス J. グリフィスによってロサンゼルス市に寄贈されました。グリフィスは遺言の中で、寄付された土地に天文台、展示ホール、プラネタリウムを建設する資金を寄付。グリフィスの目的は、天文台は人里離れた山頂に設置され、科学者のみに限定されるべきであるという一般的な考えとは対照的に、一般の人が天文学にアクセスできるようにすることでした。
In 1896, Griffith J. Griffith donated a 3,015-acre (12.20 square kilometers) parcel of land surrounding the observatory to the city of Los Angeles. In his will, Griffith provided funds to construct an observatory, exhibition hall, and planetarium on the donated land. His vision was to make astronomy accessible to the general public, in contrast to the prevailing idea at the time that observatories should be situated in remote mountaintops and limited to scientists only.
The buildings of Griffith Observatory feature distinctive Art Deco architecture. This style of art and design, popularized from the mid-1910s to the 1930s in Europe and the United States (seen in landmarks like the Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center in New York), is characterized by refined geometric patterns, curves, and innovative decorations. The main building of the observatory has a circular dome and is beautifully adorned with stone columns, sculptures, and elegant handrails, radiating the glamour of the Art Deco style.
展示ギャラリー / Exhibit Gallery
Public Telescopes
Mounted in the copper-clad domes on either end of the building, the Zeiss and solar telescopes are free to the public every day and night the building is open, and the sky is clear.
Wilder Hall of the Eye
This exhibit gallery focuses on how people have observed the sky and the impact of those observations on individuals and society.
Ahmanson Hall of the Sky
Visitors can learn about how the Sun and Moon interact with Earth and the mechanisms behind the Earth’s seasonal and yearly cycles.
Keck Central Rotunda
The W.M. Keck Central Rotunda celebrates individuals with a vision that encompasses science and mythology, Earth and sky, and the realization of the observatory. Their portraits are depicted on the walls as a tribute.
Cosmic Connection
コズミック コネクションは、本館と地下展示エリア (下記参照) を繋ぐ長さ 150 フィートの廊下で、宇宙の歴史を描き、ビッグバンから現在までの経過時間を数百の映像を使ってドラマチックに表現しています。
The Cosmic Connection is a 150-foot corridor that connects the main building to the underground exhibit area (see below). It dramatically portrays the history of the universe and the passage of time from the Big Bang to the present using hundreds of images.
Edge of Space
Crashed meteorites and space mission-acquired samples of the cosmos are on display.
Gunther Depths of Space
A model of the solar system, a starball projector (planetarium projector), and the Milky Way galaxy are on display.
プラネタリウムショー / Planetarium Show
Centered in the Universe(35分)
Signs of Life(35分)
Water Is Life(32分)
Adults (13-54 years old) $10.00
Foundation Members (must show ID) $6.00
Seniors (55 years and older) $8.00
Students & Teachers (must show ID) $8.00
Children (5-12 years old) $6.00
Small Children (under 5 years old) FREE
WEB : https://griffithobservatory.org/planetarium/signs-of-life/
教育プログラムとイベント / Education Programs and Events
The observatory also hosts educational programs for the general public, including themed lectures and workshops that delve into the history of the universe and the latest research findings in astronomy, allowing visitors to deepen their understanding.
A demonstration of the Tesla coil.
カフェテリア / Cafeteria
Griffith Observatory has one cafeteria where visitors can purchase light snacks.
ギフトショップ / Gift shop
Books, gifts, apparel, toys, and other items related to astronomy and space themes are available for sale.
入場料と営業時間と/ Entrance Fee and Business Hours
1935 年の天文台開設以来、寄付者の遺言により入場料は無料となっています。
Since its opening in 1935, the observatory has been free of charge thanks to the bequest of donors.
Weekday (Tuesday – Friday) Hours : Open 12:00 noon – 10:00 p.m.
Weekend (Saturday – Sunday) Hours : Open 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Closed Monday
Web : https://griffithobservatory.org/visit/getting-here/
場所 / Location
Address : 2800 E Observatory Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027
駐車場 / Parking
天文台の隣に小さな駐車場があり、さらに Western Canyon Rd 沿いにも駐車場があり、季節に応じて 1 時間あたり8〜10ドルの支払いが必要です。混雑時には道路が渋滞し、頂上へのアクセスが制限される場合があります。
Next to the observatory, there is a small parking lot, and along Western Canyon Rd, there are additional parking lots where a payment of $8 to $10 per hour is required depending on the season. During busy times, the roads can become congested, and access to the summit may be limited.
The parking lot at the Greek Theatre can be used as a free parking lot when there are no concerts. From the Greek Theatre parking lot to Griffith Observatory, it takes about 15 to 20 minutes on foot. As it can get hot in the summer, please make sure to bring water. Also, since it is a steep hill, take breaks and pace yourself while climbing.
まとめ / Summary
When you visit Los Angeles, be sure to check out Griffith Observatory. It offers a valuable experience that stimulates your interest in space and allows you to marvel at the brilliance of the stars. The wondrous world of the universe that Griffith Observatory presents will surely leave you with awe and wonderful memories.
グリフィス天文台 / Griffith Observatory
Address : 2800 E Observatory Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027
HP : https://griffithobservatory.org/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/griffith-observatory-los-angeles-2