観光 / Sightseeing

迫力満点!!中世の騎士文化とディナーショーが融合する魅惑の体験 – Medieval Times Dinner & Tournamentの魅力に迫る

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament

はじめに / Introduction

中世の騎士道文化と食事を同時に味わえる、魅力的なエンターテイメント施設、Medieval Times Dinner & Tournamentにようこそ。施設内の装飾や環境も中世の雰囲気を完璧に再現しており、中世の時代にタイムスリップしたかのような体験ができます。円形に配置された客席で、競技や戦闘を繰り広げる騎士たちのショーを見ながら食事を堪能することができます。

Welcome to Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament, an enchanting entertainment venue where you can experience the medieval chivalry culture and dining simultaneously. The facility’s decorations and ambiance perfectly recreate the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, allowing you to feel as if you have traveled back in time. Seated in a circular arrangement, you can enjoy a meal while watching the knights showcase their skills and engage in thrilling competitions and battles.

施設 / Facility


The facility includes a bar lounge, gift shop, dinner hall, show arena, and stables, where the staff dresses in medieval attire, creating an experience that feels like stepping back in time.

場所 / Location

Address : 7662 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA 90620

営業時間と料金と割引クーポン/ Business Hours and Pricing with Discount Coupon

For business hours and pricing, please check the ticket purchase link provided below. The timings and fees may vary depending on the location.

Ticket : https://purchase.medievaltimes.com/tickets

割引クーポン情報 / Discount Coupon
Online でチケット購入時に下記のコードを入れて下さい。8/1/2023まで有効です。
コード(code):25MT for 25% off (valid until 8/1/2023)

You can purchase tickets directly at the counter, but please note that they may be sold out if the show is fully booked. Therefore, purchasing tickets online is recommended. Additionally, purchasing at the counter will not be eligible for coupon discounts.

ショー / Show


The seating is arranged in a circular manner with a central arena. During the show, the knights engage in competitions and battles, allowing the audience to witness their skills and prowess. Mounted on horses, the knights showcase various techniques and compete in tournaments, delighting the spectators. The show lasts approximately 2 hours.

食事 / Meals


During the show, staff dressed in medieval costumes serve the audience their meals. A typical dinner course includes roast chicken, potatoes, soup, bread, coffee, and dessert, among other items. Meals are served in a style where you eat with your hands, and knives and forks are not used. It would be convenient to bring a hand paper towel with you.

チップの支払い / Tips

Tips are given at the end of the show. It is recommended to have cash (around $5 to $10 per person) prepared in advance for this purpose.

ギフトショップ / Gift shop


Various souvenirs and merchandise inspired by the Middle Ages, such as T-shirts and toys, are available for purchase, allowing visitors to take home a memento of their experience.

まとめ / Summary

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournamentは、中世の騎士文化とディナーショーが融合した素晴らしい体験を提供しています。ショーシーンの迫力、中世の雰囲気、美味しいディナー、関連のお土産など、魅力的な要素が詰まっています。日常では味わえない中世の冒険と興奮を求めるなら、Medieval Times Dinner & Tournamentはおすすめです。是非、足を運び中世の騎士文化を体験してみて下さい。

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament offers a fantastic experience that combines medieval knight culture with a captivating dinner show. With its exhilarating show scenes, authentic medieval ambiance, delicious dinner, and a variety of souvenirs and services, it encompasses a multitude of enchanting elements. For those seeking a thrilling adventure and excitement of the Middle Ages that cannot be found in everyday life, Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament is an absolute must-visit. Make a reservation and immerse yourself in the wonder of the medieval knight experience to the fullest.