- はじめに / Introduction
- 観光スポットの紹介 / Tourist spots
- フレンチ・クォーター / French Quarter
- ジャクソン・スクエア / Jackson Square
- セントルイス大聖堂 / St. Louis Cathedral
- フレンチ・マーケット / French Market
- ナショナル・ワールド・ウォーII博物館 / The National WWII Museum
- ニューオリンズ美術館 / New Orleans Museum of Art
- オッジェン美術館 / Ogden Museum of Southern Art
- フレンチマン・ストリート / Frenchmen St
- スチームボート・ナチェズ / Steamboat NATCHEZ
- プリザベーション・ホール / Preservation Hall
- カフェデュモンド / Cafe Du Monde
- まとめ / Summary
はじめに / Introduction
ニューオーリンズ / New Orleans
New Orleans has captivated people from around the world with its unique and captivating culture and rich historical background. This beautiful city has nurtured its own Creole culture, jazz music, and vibrant cuisine while being influenced by France, Spain, Africa, and the Caribbean.
This article provides the captivating tourist spots of New Orleans and the cultural elements that lie beneath, providing readers with inspiration for an incredible journey. So, let’s immerse ourselves in the allure of New Orleans and explore the wonderful world of this extraordinary city together.
気候について / Climate

観光スポットの紹介 / Tourist spots
フレンチ・クォーター / French Quarter
The French Quarter is an area adorned with beautiful historic and colorful buildings. Many structures from the 18th to the 19th century remain, showcasing architectural and design influences from France and Spain. Characterized by windows with wrought-iron railings and charming balconies, simply walking through this area allows you to feel the breath of history.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/french-quarter-new-orleans
ジャクソン・スクエア / Jackson Square
Jackson Square was named after the 7th President of the United States, Andrew Jackson. In the center of the square stands a statue of General Jackson on horseback, which was erected in commemoration of his victory during the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/jackson-square-new-orleans
セントルイス大聖堂 / St. Louis Cathedral
St. Louis Cathedral is a beautiful Catholic cathedral located in New Orleans’ French Quarter district, featuring stunning Gothic Revival architecture. The cornerstone of the current cathedral, which is the third version, was laid in 1789, and it was completed in 1794. It is the oldest active Catholic cathedral in the United States and holds immense historical value. Its grand architecture and historical significance make it a significant place for both tourists and believers.
Address : 615 Pere Antoine Alley, New Orleans, LA 70116
HP : https://www.stlouiscathedral.org/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/st-louis-cathedral-convent-new-orleans
フレンチ・マーケット / French Market
The French Market is an open-air market located in New Orleans’ French Quarter district, where local arts, crafts, foods, and more are displayed and sold. With a historical ambiance, visitors can search for various items and engage with the local culture, making it an appealing tourist spot for those looking to explore.
Address : 1008 N Peters St, New Orleans, LA 70116
HP : https://www.frenchmarket.org/shops-at-the-colonnade/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/french-market-new-orleans
ナショナル・ワールド・ウォーII博物館 / The National WWII Museum
The National WWII Museumは2000年に設立された戦争博物館で、第二次世界大戦に関する資料や展示を通じて戦争の歴史と影響を広く理解する機会を提供し、またその歴史を継承し伝える使命を果たしています。
The National WWII Museum, established in 2000, is a war museum that offers a comprehensive understanding of the history and impact of World War II through its materials and exhibits, fulfilling the mission of preserving and transmitting that history. The museum houses numerous exhibits and collections related to World War II. Various aspects, such as wartime events, soldiers’ daily lives, strategies, technologies, and the support provided by families, are showcased. Items including photographs, documents, weaponry, uniforms, and combat vehicles can be explored within the museum.
Address : 945 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70130
HP : https://www.nationalww2museum.org/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-national-wwii-museum-new-orleans
ニューオリンズ美術館 / New Orleans Museum of Art
New Orleans Museum of Art(通称:NOMA)は、アメリカ合衆国ルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズに位置する美術館で1911年に開館。モダンアートや古典的な芸術作品、多様な時代やジャンルのアート作品を収集・展示しています。
The New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA), founded in 1911, is an art museum located in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. It collects and exhibits a diverse range of art pieces spanning modern art, classical artworks, and various time periods and genres.
Address : 1 Collins Diboll Cir, New Orleans, LA 70124
HP : https://noma.org/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/new-orleans-museum-of-art-new-orleans
オッジェン美術館 / Ogden Museum of Southern Art
Ogden Museumは南部アメリカ地域のアート、芸術家、文化にフォーカスを当てています。この地域は独自の歴史、伝統、アイデンティティを持ち、それが芸術作品に反映されています。博物館では、南部アメリカの多様性や特有の美を紹介しています。
The Ogden Museum focuses on the art, artists, and culture of the Southern United States region. This region holds its own unique history, traditions, and identity, which are reflected in the artworks. The museum showcases the diversity and distinct beauty of the Southern United States.
Address : 925 Camp St, New Orleans, LA 70130
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/ogden-museum-of-southern-art-new-orleans
フレンチマン・ストリート / Frenchmen St
Frenchmen Streetは、フレンチクオーター(French Quarter)の近くにあり、地元住民や観光客の間で人気のある場所となっています。またライブ音楽の多くのライブミュージッククラブやバーやラウンジが軒を連ねる場所として知られています。さまざまなジャンルの音楽が演奏され、地元ミュージシャンから国際的に有名なアーティストも出演します。ジャズ、ブルース、ファンク、ロックなど、多様な音楽スタイルを楽しむことができます。
Frenchmen Street is located near the French Quarter and has become a popular destination among locals and tourists alike. It is renowned as a hub for live music, with numerous live music clubs, bars, and lounges lining the street. A variety of music genres are performed here, featuring local musicians as well as internationally renowned artists. From jazz and blues to funk and rock, you can enjoy a diverse range of music styles.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/frenchmen-street-corridor-new-orleans
スチームボート・ナチェズ / Steamboat NATCHEZ
Steamboat Natchezは、アメリカ南部における蒸気船の伝統を受け継ぐ歴史的な船です。蒸気船は19世紀から20世紀初頭にかけて、ミシシッピ川などで交通手段や貨物輸送として重要な役割を果たしました。この船はその伝統を継承し、現代の乗客にも船旅の魅力を提供しています。観光クルーズの船内では、ライブジャズバンドによる音楽の演奏やエンターテイメントが提供されます。ニューオーリンズの音楽文化に触れながら、船上で楽しい時間を過ごすことができます。
Steamboat Natchez is a historic vessel that carries on the tradition of steamboats in the American South. Steamboats played a significant role as transportation and cargo carriers along the Mississippi River and other waterways from the 19th century to the early 20th century. This ship continues that tradition, offering the charm of a river voyage to modern passengers. Onboard the sightseeing cruises, live jazz bands provide musical performances and entertainment. Guests can enjoy a delightful time onboard while immersing themselves in New Orleans’ music culture.
Address : 400 Toulouse St, New Orleans, LA 70130
HP : https://www.steamboatnatchez.com/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/steamboat-natchez-new-orleans
プリザベーション・ホール / Preservation Hall
Preservation Hallは、アメリカ合衆国ルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズにある、ジャズ音楽の歴史と伝統を称える重要な音楽会場です。演奏されるのは主に、伝統的なディキシーランド・スタイルのジャズである。
Preservation Hall is a significant music venue located in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, dedicated to honoring the history and tradition of jazz music. The music performed here is primarily traditional Dixieland-style jazz.
Address : 726 St Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116
HP : https://www.preservationhall.com/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/preservation-hall-new-orleans-2
カフェデュモンド / Cafe Du Monde
Cafe Du Mondeは1862年に創業、ニューオーリンズの歴史的なランドマークの1つとなっています。ベニエ(beignet)と呼ばれる粉砂糖をかけた角型のドーナツとチコリ入りのフレンチ・ロースト・コーヒー、カフェオレが看板メニュー。長い歴史と豊富な文化的な背景を持つこのカフェは、地元住民や観光客に愛されている場所です。
Cafe Du Monde, founded in 1862, has become one of the historical landmarks of New Orleans. Its signature offerings include beignets, powdered sugar-covered square doughnuts, and French roast coffee with chicory known as café au lait. With its rich history and cultural background, this café is beloved by both locals and tourists alike.
Address : 800 Decatur St, New Orleans, LA 70116
HP : https://shop.cafedumonde.com/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/cafe-du-monde-new-orleans-21
まとめ / Summary
New Orleans is a fantastic city that captivates visitors with its unique charm and diverse array of tourist attractions. Those who visit can fully enjoy the city’s distinctive atmosphere while indulging in its allure. Experiences in New Orleans are bound to create unforgettable memories that will linger in the heart.