観光 / Sightseeing

ホロコースト博物館 LA / Holocaust Museum LA

はじめに / Introduction

ホロコーストの歴史的背景 / Historical Background of the Holocaust


The historical background of the Holocaust is complex and is influenced by the political and social circumstances before and after World War II. Here is a summary of the main historical background:

  1. 第一次世界大戦(1914年 – 1918年)とドイツの敗北: 第一次世界大戦でドイツは敗北し、経済的・政治的な混乱が生じました。この敗北感や戦争への不満は、ドイツ社会に不安と不安定さをもたらしました。

    World War I (1914-1918) and Germany’s defeat: Germany was defeated in World War I, leading to economic and political turmoil. This sense of defeat and dissatisfaction with the war brought anxiety and instability to German society.

  2. ヴァイマル共和国時代(1918年に発足して1933年に事実上崩壊した戦間期のドイツ国の政体): 第一次世界大戦後、ヴァイマル共和国がドイツで樹立されましたが、政治的な対立や社会的な不満が存在しました。経済の混乱、失業率の上昇、インフレーションなどが深刻な問題となりました。

    Weimar Republic era (established in 1918 and effectively collapsed in 1933): Following World War I, the Weimar Republic was established in Germany, but there were political conflicts and social unrest. Economic turmoil, rising unemployment, and inflation became serious issues.

  3. ナチスの台頭: ドイツではナチス党(国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党)が台頭しました。アドルフ・ヒトラーがナチス党の指導者となり、反ユダヤ主義、極右のイデオロギー、国家主義を主張しました。

    Rise of the Nazis: In Germany, the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) emerged. Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nazi Party, advocating anti-Semitism, far-right ideology, and nationalism.

  4. 1933年の権力掌握: 1933年、ヒトラーはドイツの首相に就任し、ナチス党が政権を掌握しました。彼らは反ユダヤ主義的な政策を推進し、ユダヤ人を社会から排除するための法律や規制を導入しました。

    Seizure of power in 1933: In 1933, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, and the Nazi Party took control of the government. They implemented anti-Semitic policies and introduced laws and regulations to exclude Jews from society.

  5. ユダヤ人迫害と強制収容所: ナチス政権下では、ユダヤ人を始めとする少数民族や政治的・宗教的マイノリティが迫害されました。ユダヤ人に対する法的な差別や迫害活動が行われ、後には強制収容所や絶滅収容所が設立され、数百万人のユダヤ人が虐殺されました。

    Persecution of Jews and concentration camps: Under the Nazi regime, minorities including Jews and political or religious minorities were persecuted. Legal discrimination and persecution activities were carried out against Jews, and later, concentration camps and extermination camps were established, resulting in the genocide of millions of Jews.


The historical background of the Holocaust is intertwined with various factors such as political conflicts, social instability, the rise of the Nazi Party, and anti-Semitism. These factors enabled the occurrence of the Holocaust.

極右 : 極端に右翼的な思想を持つ個人や政治集団(過激派)。
イデオロギー : 人間の行動を左右する根本的な物の考え方の体系。観念形態。
国家主義 : 国家を最高の価値あるもの、人間社会の最高の組織と見なし、個人よりも国家に絶対の優位を認める考え方。
絶滅収容所 : 大量殺戮を効率的に行うために収容所。

Far-right : Individuals or political groups with extremely right-wing ideologies (extremists).
Ideology : A system of fundamental ideas or beliefs that influence human behavior. A worldview.
Nationalism : The belief that the nation is of the highest value, the supreme organization of human society, and that the state has absolute superiority over the individual.
Extermination camps : Camps designed for efficient mass killings. They were used to carry out large-scale genocide.


Genocide and the Holocaust are both massive atrocities and grave crimes against humanity, but here are the differences between them:


Genocide is a deliberate and systematic act with the intent to annihilate a specific ethnic, racial, religious, or ethnic group. It is defined by international law and involves the destruction of a portion or the entirety of the victims.


The Holocaust refers to the systematic mass extermination of Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II. Under the Nazi regime, minorities including Jews, as well as political and religious minorities, faced legal discrimination and persecution. They were sent to concentration camps and extermination camps, resulting in the genocide of millions of people. The Holocaust is a form of genocide, specifically focusing on the Jewish population.


While genocide can encompass a wide range of ethnicities and groups, the Holocaust is a specific example of genocide with a focus on the Jewish population. Due to its scale and brutality, the Holocaust is widely recognized as one of the most well-known genocides in world history.

ホロコースト博物館 LA / Holocaust Museum LA

ホロコースト博物館 LA は、ホロコースト生存者によって設立された米国最古の博物館です。米国最大の遺物のコレクションが収蔵されています。ギャラリーは年代順に編成されており、ホロコースト以前のユダヤ人の生活や 1933 年から 1945 年までの重要な歴史的出来事をカバー。博物館内を進むにつれ歴史の変化と共に光と空間が暗く狭くなり、訪問者は恐怖感を体験していく建物の構造になっています。

The Los Angeles Holocaust Museum is the oldest museum in the United States, established by Holocaust survivors. It houses the largest collection of artifacts in the country. The galleries are organized chronologically, covering the lives of Jewish people before the Holocaust and important historical events from 1933 to 1945. As visitors move through the museum, the lighting and space progressively darken and narrow, reflecting the changing history, creating an immersive experience where visitors can feel the sense of fear in the structure of the building.

Web : https://www.holocaustmuseumla.org



The exhibits are divided into seven galleries, each showcasing related materials.

【1】ホロコースト前の生活 / Life Before the Holocaust


Displays materials related to the lives, culture, religion, and history of Jewish people before the Holocaust.

【2】ナチズムの台頭: 恐怖と欺瞞 / Rise of Nazism: Terror and Deception


Exhibits materials on the rise of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party until the 1930s, as well as the discriminatory racial policies imposed by Hitler through ideology, propaganda, and laws.

プロパガンダ :

Propaganda :
Refers to the techniques and forms of communication deliberately used to spread specific information or messages and influence people’s awareness and behavior.

【3】戦争の始まり、ゲットー化、そして虐殺 / Onset of War, Ghettoization and Murder


Exhibits focus on historical events from 1939 to 1942, including Blitzkrieg, Western European invasions, Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units), the Pearl Harbor attack, and the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States. The relationship between the Nazi Aktion T4 and the mass extermination of European Jews is also depicted.

ゲットー :
少数民族や特定の人々が強制的に居住させられた地域を指します。16世紀以降ユダヤ教徒をキリスト教徒から隔離するゲットーがフランクフルトアムマインなどにできた。周囲は壁で取巻かれ,門は夜間閉鎖。ゲットーでは、ユダヤ人は非人道的な条件下で生活し、飢餓や疾病などの苦難に直面しました。第二次世界大戦時、東欧諸国に侵攻したナチス・ドイツがユダヤ人絶滅を策して設けた強制収容所もこう呼ばれる。 一方、アメリカ合衆国などの大都市におけるマイノリティの密集居住地をさすこともある。ゲットーは、人々を隔離し統制することで差別や迫害を行う手段として使用されることがありましたが、現代では人権や差別撤廃の観点から問題視される場合があります。

Ghetto :
Refers to areas where minority groups or specific people were forcibly confined. Ghettos emerged from the 16th century onward, isolating Jewish people from Christians in places like Frankfurt am Main. They were surrounded by walls, with gates closed at night. Ghettos subjected Jewish people to inhumane conditions, facing hardships such as hunger and disease. During World War II, Nazi Germany, which invaded Eastern European countries, established forced labor and extermination camps for the annihilation of Jews, which were also referred to as ghettos. On the other hand, it can also refer to densely populated minority neighborhoods in cities like the United States. Ghettos have been used as a means to segregate and control people, leading to discrimination and persecution, although they are now viewed critically from a human rights and anti-discrimination perspective.

T4作戦 :

Aktion T4 :
The “Aktion T4” was a policy of “forced euthanasia” (mass killings) implemented by Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1941, targeting mentally and physically disabled individuals. The methods used in the Aktion T4 for the killing of disabled individuals were later applied to the extermination plan for Jews, foreshadowing the mass killings in the subsequent Holocaust.

【4】逮捕、国外追放、強制収容所での生活 / Arrestation, Deportation and Life in the Concentration Camps


Explores the locations, purposes, operations, and scope of the concentration camps. The process of dehumanization within the camps and how people perished or survived is showcased.

【5】労働、強制収容所、死の収容所 / Labor, Concentration and Death Camps


Features a model of the Sobibor death camp in eastern Poland, where approximately 250,000 Jews were killed. The model was constructed by Thomas Blatt, one of the fifty survivors.

【6】世界の対応、抵抗、救助 / World Response, Resistance and Rescue


Highlights individuals who resisted and took action against Nazi atrocities during the Holocaust, as well as the global response to these events.

【7】ホロコースト後の解放と生活の構築 / Liberation and Building Life After the Holocaust


Explores post-liberation life, refugee camps, war crime trials, and the process of rebuilding lives after the Holocaust.

教育プログラム / Education Programs


The museum offers educational programs for schools and general visitors, including lectures, guided tours, special events, and workshops related to the Holocaust. These programs aim to promote an understanding of history and disseminate the lessons of the Holocaust.

Upcoming Programs : https://www.holocaustmuseumla.org/upcoming

杉原 千畝(すぎはら ちうね)/ Chiune Sugihara

杉原千畝(すぎはら ちうね)は1900年に日本の岐阜県で生まれ、日本の外交官であり、ホロコースト期間中にユダヤ人を救出したことで知られる人物です。以下に杉原千畝の概要を説明します。

Chiune Sugihara, born in 1900 in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, was a Japanese diplomat known for rescuing Jewish people during the Holocaust. Here is an overview of Chiune Sugihara:


In 1939, Sugihara was appointed as a consul at the Japanese consulate in Kaunas, which was then the capital of Lithuania. At the time, Japan allowed the issuance of transit visas to Jewish people who met the requirements, stating that visas would be granted to individuals who had completed the immigration procedures of the destination country and had sufficient funds for travel and stay. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strictly adhered to these regulations, which meant that Sugihara was not authorized to issue visas to Jewish people who did not meet the criteria.


However, Sugihara defied the instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and used his own authority to issue Japanese visas to Jewish people who would not have been granted entry into Japan otherwise. As a result, he saved over a thousand Jewish people and assisted them in their escape.


As the war progressed, Sugihara left Lithuania under orders from the Japanese government and engaged in diplomatic activities in other regions. His actions remained largely forgotten for many years, but in 1985, he was posthumously honored with the “Righteous Among the Nations (Yad Vashem)” award by the Israeli government. Since then, his deeds have become widely known around the world.


Chiune Sugihara’s courageous actions are praised as a symbol of humanitarian rescue and bravery during the Holocaust.

営業時間と入場料 / business hours and Entrance Fee

営業時間:月曜日〜日曜日 10 am – 5 pm 
Business hours : Monday through Sunday 10 am – 5 pm 

入場料 / Entrance Fee
Adults (18+) :$15
Seniors (65+) : $10
Military : $10
Teachers (with valid ID) : FREE
Students (with valid student ID) : FREE
Child (17 and under) : FREE

  • Holocaust Museum LA is free all-day Sunday.

Ticket : https://www.holocaustmuseumla.org/tickets

ホロコースト博物館 LA へのアクセス方法 / Access

It takes about 30 minutes by car from Los Angeles International Airport.

駐車場 / Parking

Parking①②は、無料パーキング in パン・パシフィック・パーク内。
Parking③は有料パーキング in ザ・グローブパーキング。
Parking fee:https://www.parkme.com/lot/39512/the-grove-los-angeles-ca

アプリ / Apps

You can listen to the audio guide of the Holocaust Museum through the app.

Apple store : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bloomberg-connects/id1476456847

Google play : https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Bloomberg%20Connects&c=apps

まとめ / Summary

ホロコースト博物館 LA は、人類の暗い過去を未来へと伝える施設です。ホロコーストの歴史を学び、未来へとその教訓伝えて行かなければなりません。

The Holocaust Museum LA is a facility that conveys humanity’s dark past into the future. We must learn the history of the Holocaust and continue to pass on its lessons to the future.

Holocaust Museum LA

HP : https://www.holocaustmuseumla.org/

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/holocaust-museum-la-los-angeles