- はじめに / Introduction
- 観光スポットの紹介 / Tourist spots
- スペースニードル / Space Needle
- ミュージアム・オブ・ポップカルチャー / Museum of Pop Culture
- チフーリ・ガーデン・アンド・ガラス / Chihuly Garden and Glass
- パイク・プレイス・マーケット / Pike Place Market
- シアトル水族館 / Seattle Aquarium
- シアトル美術館 / Seattle Art Museum
- スターバックス 1号店 / Starbucks
- スターバックス本社 / Starbucks Reserve Store Sodo
- ザ・スフィアズ / The Spheres
- ウッドランド・パーク動物園 / Woodland Park Zoo
- ガス・ワークス・パーク / Gas Works Park
- T-モバイル・パーク / T-Mobile Park
- フリーモント・トロール / Fremont Troll
- ボーイング・フューチャー・オブ・フライト / Boeing Future of Flight
- まとめ / Summary
はじめに / Introduction
シアトル / Seattle
Seattle is a city located in the state of Washington, United States. It is an attractive place that combines beautiful natural surroundings with advanced technology industries. With a population of approximately 730,000 people, it is the 18th largest city in America. Seattle is also famous for its Seattle-based coffee companies such as Starbucks and Tully’s Coffee.
気候について / Climate

観光スポットの紹介 / Tourist spots
スペースニードル / Space Needle
The Space Needle was constructed during the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair. Designed as a symbol of the fair, this building has since become a beloved landmark of Seattle. It stands at a height of approximately 184 meters (605 feet), and from its observation deck, visitors can enjoy magnificent views of downtown Seattle, Elliott Bay, the Olympic Mountains, the Cascade Mountains, and more.
Ticket : https://sn.web.ticketing.siaticketing.com/tickets/main

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/space-needle-seattle?start=40
ミュージアム・オブ・ポップカルチャー / Museum of Pop Culture
It is a museum themed around pop culture, offering a plethora of exhibits and programs related to music, film, television, video games, and other aspects of pop culture. The music-related collection features instruments, costumes, and record jackets belonging to artists like Jimi Hendrix and Norweigan Wood. The film and television collection includes costumes, props, and movie posters, allowing visitors to delve into the history and production of films and TV shows.
Ticket : https://www.mopop.org/visit

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/museum-of-pop-culture-seattle-3
チフーリ・ガーデン・アンド・ガラス / Chihuly Garden and Glass
アーティストのデール・チフーリーによって設立された美術館です。この美術館は、チフーリーのガラスアート作品を展示されています。 2012年5月に廃墟となったファンフォレスト遊園地跡地にオープンしました。Chihuly Garden and Glassには、8つの異なるギャラリーがあり、彼の最も有名なシリーズである”Chandeliers”や”Persians”、”Seaforms”、”Mille Fiori”などの作品を見ることができます。
It is an art museum founded by artist Dale Chihuly. This museum showcases Chihuly’s glass art pieces. It opened in May 2012 on the site of the former Fun Forest amusement park, which had become a ruin. Chihuly Garden and Glass features eight different galleries where visitors can see his most famous series, including “Chandeliers,” “Persians,” “Seaforms,” and “Mille Fiori.”
“Chandeliers”, “Persians”, “Seaforms”, “Mille Fiori”について
“Mille Fiori”は、花や植物をモチーフにしたガラス作品のシリーズです。シリーズ名はイタリア語で”千の花”を意味します。
“Chandeliers” is a series of glass chandeliers. This series includes beautiful, colorful glass chandeliers that can be displayed in large rooms or places with high ceilings.
“Persians” is a series of colorful glass artworks, and the series name is inspired by Persian rugs. Chihuly incorporated patterns and colors seen in Persian rugs into his glass art pieces.
“Seaforms” is a series of glass artworks inspired by marine life. This series was created by Chihuly, drawing inspiration from natural elements such as seashells and seaweed that he collected on beaches near Seattle.
“Mille Fiori” is a series of glass artworks featuring flowers and plants as motifs. The series name means “a thousand flowers” in Italian.
Ticket : https://cgg.web.ticketing.siaticketing.com/tickets/main
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/chihuly-garden-and-glass-seattle-2?start=2100
パイク・プレイス・マーケット / Pike Place Market
Pike Place Marketは、シアトルの観光名所の一つで、地元の人々や観光客に人気があります。市場内には、多数の店舗があり、新鮮な海産物や野菜、果物、チーズ、ワイン、チョコレートなどの食品から、手作りのジュエリーや陶器、手工芸品まで幅広い商品が販売されています。
Pike Place Market is one of the popular tourist attractions in Seattle, known for its appeal to both locals and visitors. The market houses numerous shops offering a wide range of products, including fresh seafood, vegetables, fruits, cheese, wine, chocolate, as well as handmade jewelry, pottery, and crafts.

HP : https://www.pikeplacemarket.org/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/pike-place-market-seattle
シアトル水族館 / Seattle Aquarium
1977年に開園しエリオット湾のウォーターフロントのピア59にあります。 2019年に水族館協会は2024年にオープン予定のオーシャン・パビリオンと名付けられた大規模な拡張計画を発表。
It opened in 1977 and is located on Pier 59 along the waterfront of Elliott Bay. In 2019, the Aquarium Association announced a large-scale expansion plan named the Ocean Pavilion, scheduled to open in 2024.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/seattle-aquarium-seattle
シアトル美術館 / Seattle Art Museum
Established in 1933, the museum showcases diverse collections including contemporary art, prehistoric art, Asian art, and indigenous art. As of January 2023, the museum’s collection houses approximately 25,000 artworks.
Ticket : https://secure.seattleartmuseum.org/events
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/seattle-art-museum-seattle
スターバックス 1号店 / Starbucks
Starbucks is an internationally renowned coffee chain that originated in Seattle and is widely recognized worldwide. It was founded in Seattle in 1971 and, as of 2020, has expanded to operate 32,660 stores in 83 countries around the globe. Starbucks is known for its dedication to bean quality, roasting techniques, and offering a diverse menu of coffee options.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/starbucks-seattle-88
スターバックス本社 / Starbucks Reserve Store Sodo
スターバックス本社の中にはスターバックス店舗もあり、通常のスターバックスのメニューに加えて、スターバックスが展開するプレミアムブランド”Starbucks Reserve”の特別なコーヒーや限定のブレンドも提供しています。イベントや試飲会、コーヒーマスターによるデモンストレーションなど、コーヒーに関するさまざまな体験も提供しているので、スターバックスファンには必見の場所です。
Within the Starbucks headquarters, there are Starbucks stores that offer not only the regular Starbucks menu but also special coffees and limited blends from Starbucks’ premium brand, “Starbucks Reserve.” They also provide various coffee experiences such as events, tastings, and demonstrations by coffee masters. So, it’s a place that Starbucks fans would want to visit.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/starbucks-reserve-seattle-10
ザ・スフィアズ / The Spheres
“The Spheres”は、アメリカ合衆国ワシントン州シアトルにあるAmazonの本社施設です。Amazonが従業員の創造性とイノベーションを促進するために設計された革新的なワーキングスペースです。施設内には、25,000種類以上の植物が育てられており、緑豊かな環境が従業員にリラックスや創造性の刺激をもたらします。
“The Spheres” is a headquarters facility of Amazon located in Seattle, Washington, United States. It is an innovative workspace designed by Amazon to foster employee creativity and innovation. The facility houses over 25,000 plant species, creating a lush environment that promotes relaxation and stimulates creativity among employees.
Ticket : https://www.seattlespheres.com/visit-hq
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/amazon-spheres-seattle-2
ウッドランド・パーク動物園 / Woodland Park Zoo
Opened in 1899, the park spans approximately 92 acres and in 2019, it attracted around 1.4 million visitors from both domestic and international locations. It is a popular tourist spot where visitors can observe around 300 different animal species.
Ticket : https://www.zoo.org/visit
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/woodland-park-zoo-seattle-4
ガス・ワークス・パーク / Gas Works Park
The former Seattle Coal Gas Plant’s buildings and machinery have been preserved as they were, creating a unique industrial heritage incorporated into the design of the park. It is one of Seattle’s tourist attractions, showcasing the distinctiveness of its industrial legacy.

Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/gas-works-park-seattle-2
T-モバイル・パーク / T-Mobile Park
The home stadium of the Seattle Mariners, it opened in July 1999. The ballpark has a seating capacity of approximately 47,000 people and features a retractable roof.

MLB HP : https://www.mlb.com/mariners/ballpark
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/t-mobile-park-seattle?start=640
フリーモント・トロール / Fremont Troll
The sculpture stands at a height of approximately 5.5 meters (18 feet) and in its left hand, it holds a Volkswagen Beetle car.
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/fremont-troll-seattle
ボーイング・フューチャー・オブ・フライト / Boeing Future of Flight
航空機ファンは是非訪れたい場所。施設内には、ボーイングの歴史や航空技術に関する展示物を見ることができます。また、近くあるボーイングのエバレット工場は世界最大の容積を持つ建築物であり、床面積39万8千m²(東京ドームおよそ89個分)、容積は1330万m³であり、ボーイングの大型旅客機、特に747、767、777、787 Dreamlinerなどが製造されています。ツアーに参加すると、この工場の一部を見学することができます。
A must-visit place for aviation enthusiasts. Inside the facility, you can see exhibits related to Boeing’s history and aviation technology. Additionally, the nearby Boeing Everett Factory is the largest building by volume in the world, with a floor area of 398,000 square meters (approximately 89 Tokyo Domes) and a volume of 13.3 million cubic meters. It is where Boeing’s large passenger planes, especially the 747, 767, 777, and 787 Dreamliner, are manufactured. By taking a tour, you can have the opportunity to visit a portion of this factory.
Ticket : https://www.boeingfutureofflight.com/tickets
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/boeing-future-of-flight-mukilteo
まとめ / Summary

Seattle is a fantastic city with a wide range of tourist attractions and captivating culture. It is our pleasure to assist you in making your trip to Seattle fulfilling and memorable. Enjoy your journey in Seattle!
Seattle, Washington
City of Seattle HP : https://www.seattle.gov/